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BIC-LSU: Big Data Research Integration with Cyberinfrastructure for LSU

Published: 17 July 2016 Publication History


In recent years, big data analysis has been widely applied to many research fields including biology, physics, transportation, and material science. Even though the demands for big data migration and big data analysis are dramatically increasing in campus IT infrastructures, there are several technical challenges that need to be addressed. First of all, frequent big data transmission between storage systems in different research groups imposes heavy burdens on a regular campus network. Second, the current campus IT infrastructure is not designed to fully utilize the hardware capacity for big data migration and analysis. Last but not the least, running big data applications on top of large-scale high-performance computing facilities is not straightforward, especially for researchers and engineers in non-IT disciplines.
We develop a campus IT cyberinfrastructure for big data migration and analysis, called BIC-LSU, which consists of a task-aware Clos OpenFlow network, high-performance cache storage servers, customized high-performance transfer applications, a light-weight control framework to manipulate existing big data storage systems and job scheduling systems, and a comprehensive social networking-enabled web portal. BIC-LSU achieves 40Gb/s disk-to-disk big data transmission, maintains short average transmission task completion time, enables the convergence of control on commonly deployed storage and job scheduling systems, and enhances easiness of big data analysis with a universal user-friendly interface. BIC-LSU software requires minimum dependencies and has high extensibility. Other research institutes can easily customize and deploy BIC-LSU as an augmented service on their existing IT infrastructures.


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Cited By

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  • (2017)We Have an HPC SystemPractice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing 2017: Sustainability, Success and Impact10.1145/3093338.3093341(1-8)Online publication date: 9-Jul-2017
  • (2017)Minimal Coflow Routing and Scheduling in OpenFlow-Based Cloud Storage Area Networks2017 IEEE 10th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD)10.1109/CLOUD.2017.36(222-229)Online publication date: Jun-2017



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cover image ACM Other conferences
XSEDE16: Proceedings of the XSEDE16 Conference on Diversity, Big Data, and Science at Scale
July 2016
405 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 17 July 2016


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Author Tags

  1. Big data
  2. science gateway
  3. software-defined networking
  4. solid-state drive storage server
  5. task-aware network scheduling


  • Research-article
  • Research
  • Refereed limited



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  • (2017)We Have an HPC SystemPractice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing 2017: Sustainability, Success and Impact10.1145/3093338.3093341(1-8)Online publication date: 9-Jul-2017
  • (2017)Minimal Coflow Routing and Scheduling in OpenFlow-Based Cloud Storage Area Networks2017 IEEE 10th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD)10.1109/CLOUD.2017.36(222-229)Online publication date: Jun-2017

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