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View all- Kang RSunil AChen M(2019)Mobile App for Text-to-Image SynthesisMobile Computing, Applications, and Services10.1007/978-3-030-28468-8_3(32-43)Online publication date: 25-Sep-2019
Incorporating target syntax into phrase-based machine translation (PBMT) can generate syntactically well-formed translations. We propose a novel phrasal syntactic category sequence (PSCS) model which allows a PBMT decoder to prefer more grammatical ...
A program is described which produces syntactic analyses of English sentences with respect to a transformational grammar. The main features of the analyzer are that it uses only a limited dictionary of English words and that it pursues all analysis ...
This paper embodies the design of parsing algorithms tangibly for a Bengali parser. To design parsing algorithms a detailed study on linguistics and grammar has been performed. A detailed study also has been made on the various techniques and algorithms ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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