Cited By
View all- Bienz AOlson LGropp W(2019)Node-Aware Improvements to Allreduce2019 IEEE/ACM Workshop on Exascale MPI (ExaMPI)10.1109/ExaMPI49596.2019.00008(19-28)Online publication date: Nov-2019
We show that message pipelining can be used to construct multicast operations.Using multicast operations we construct an extension of recursive doubling.We show that recursive multiplying outperforms recursive doubling significantly.We created a ...
Collective communication, namely the pattern allreduce in message-passing systems, is optimised based on measurements at the installation time of the library. The algorithms used are set up in an initialisation phase of the ...
Process arrival times at MPI collective operations differ significantly. Addressing this fact with special handling for popular collective communication algorithms can yield performance improvements. The recursive doubling algorithm is one of the most ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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