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View all- Kuhar SPolančič G(2021)Conceptualization, measurement, and application of semantic transparency in visual notationsSoftware and Systems Modeling10.1007/s10270-021-00888-9Online publication date: 19-May-2021
Many features of UML are not generally available in most ontology languages. Meanwhile, ontology languages have some features that UML does not support. This paper focuses on extending UML to support visualisation of ontology models. First, this paper ...
The maturity of Model Driven Engineering facilitates the development of domain specific languages. Their creation relies on the definition of metamodels, but also on their corresponding visual notations. One can wonder about the quality of any new ...
Truth diagrams (TDs) are introduced as a novel graphical representation for propositional logic (PL). To demonstrate their epistemic efficacy a set of 28 concepts are proposed that any comprehensive representation for PL should encompass. TDs ...
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