Cited By
View all- Liu JGrundy JAbdelrazek MAvazpour I(2018)A Domain-Specific Modeling Approach for Testing Environment EmulationModel-Driven Engineering and Software Development10.1007/978-3-319-94764-8_12(272-299)Online publication date: 8-Jul-2018
Modern enterprise software systems often need to interact with a large number of distributed and
heterogeneous systems. As a result, integration testing has become a critical step in their software
development lifecycle. Service virtualization is an ...
Meta-models play a cornerstone role in Model-Driven Engineering as they are used to define the abstract syntax of modelling languages, and so models and all sorts of model transformations depend on them. However, there are scarce tools and methods ...
A tool to ease the implementation of MDE-based migration processes is presented.Enactment of MDE-based migration process models is supported.When process models are enacted, manual tasks are added to a task management tool.Lack of enactment of SPEM is ...
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