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Expanding the Locus of Control: Design of a Mobile Quantified Self-Tracking Application for Whiplash Patients

Published: 23 October 2016 Publication History


The paper presents the design and exploration of a mobile quantified self-tracking prototype for patients with whiplash-associated disorders. The analytic lens is social learning theory and the patients' experiences of the artefact in their formation of practice. The intertwined processes of interpreting user--device interactions are addressed in terms of how patients attributed these interactions as efficacy information and provides insights into why the whiplash patients failed to convert quantified self-information into self-management strategies. The paper concludes that future designs should focus on accommodating patients' needs and desires for exerting control over the condition as a means of facilitating a gradual expansion of the patients' locus of control through tracking and visualization features that support an ongoing maintenance of equilibrium with the condition.


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  1. Expanding the Locus of Control: Design of a Mobile Quantified Self-Tracking Application for Whiplash Patients



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    NordiCHI '16: Proceedings of the 9th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
    October 2016
    1045 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

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    Published: 23 October 2016


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    1. Quantified self
    2. ecological momentary assessments
    3. health care
    4. mobile technology
    5. small data
    6. social learning theory
    7. whiplash


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