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Homes For Life: A Design Fiction Probe

Published: 23 October 2016 Publication History


This paper introduces the concept of 'design fiction probes', critical narratives to elicit open-ended responses from potential future users of proposed technologies. Inspired and guided by academic literature, such a fictional narrative allows the reader to explore potential consequences of the use of technologies before they actually exist. The method is illustrated by a design fiction on the topic of smart houses and their potential applications for chronic conditions, such as dementia. Based on constant monitoring and automated responses, these technologies have been criticized on ethical grounds. As these devices are not yet widely commercially available, little is known about their real-world impact. By bringing together what is known to write a fictional account from acquisition to end of use, the design fiction can be used both for research or the design process. Potential uses are presented within this paper.


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    Published: 23 October 2016


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