Cited By
View all- Sorescu CMeena YSahoo DIqbal SMacLean KChevalier FMueller S(2020)PViMatAdjunct Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology10.1145/3379350.3416192(80-83)Online publication date: 20-Oct-2020
In this study, we propose a striped pattern sticker called ExtensionSticker that allows a touch input to be transferred from an external source by simply attaching the sticker to a touch panel. This allows the user to input touches or continuous ...
Touch interaction is almost omnipresent on mobile devices and technological advances have made screens bigger. The users can then interact with more content displayed on screen but it is more difficult for the users to reach all the parts of the screen ...
A method for transferring external touch input is proposed by partially attaching a sticker to a touch-panel display. The touch input area can be extended by printing striped patterns using a conductive ink and attaching them to overlap with a portion ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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