Cited By
View all- Ulm GGustavsson EJirstrand M(2019)Functional Federated Learning in Erlang (ffl-erl)Functional and Constraint Logic Programming10.1007/978-3-030-16202-3_10(162-178)Online publication date: 16-Mar-2019
Most scripting languages provide a C API that enables them to cooperate with programs written in C. The scripting language Lua is designed to be embedded in other host languages. However, when embedding Lua interpreters in a C program, the programmer ...
Many dynamic languages such as Ruby, Python and Perl offer some kind of functionality for writing parts of applications in a lower-level language such as C. These C extension modules are usually written against the API of an interpreter, which provides ...
The increasing popularity of component-based programming tools offer a big opportunity to designers of advanced programming languages, such as Haskell. If we can package our programs as software components, then it is easy to integrate them into ...
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