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10.1145/2976749.2978378acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesccsConference Proceedingsconference-collections

High Fidelity Data Reduction for Big Data Security Dependency Analyses

Published: 24 October 2016 Publication History


Intrusive multi-step attacks, such as Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) attacks, have plagued enterprises with significant financial losses and are the top reason for enterprises to increase their security budgets. Since these attacks are sophisticated and stealthy, they can remain undetected for years if individual steps are buried in background "noise." Thus, enterprises are seeking solutions to "connect the suspicious dots" across multiple activities. This requires ubiquitous system auditing for long periods of time, which in turn causes overwhelmingly large amount of system audit events. Given a limited system budget, how to efficiently handle ever-increasing system audit logs is a great challenge. This paper proposes a new approach that exploits the dependency among system events to reduce the number of log entries while still supporting high-quality forensic analysis. In particular, we first propose an aggregation algorithm that preserves the dependency of events during data reduction to ensure the high quality of forensic analysis. Then we propose an aggressive reduction algorithm and exploit domain knowledge for further data reduction. To validate the efficacy of our proposed approach, we conduct a comprehensive evaluation on real-world auditing systems using log traces of more than one month. Our evaluation results demonstrate that our approach can significantly reduce the size of system logs and improve the efficiency of forensic analysis without losing accuracy.


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cover image ACM Conferences
CCS '16: Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security
October 2016
1924 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 24 October 2016


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  1. data reduction
  2. dependency analysis
  3. forensics
  4. intrusion detection


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