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Interactive mechanism modeling from multi-view images

Published: 05 December 2016 Publication History


In this paper, we present an interactive system for mechanism modeling from multi-view images. Its key feature is that the generated 3D mechanism models contain not only geometric shapes but also internal motion structures: they can be directly animated through kinematic simulation. Our system consists of two steps: interactive 3D modeling and stochastic motion parameter estimation. At the 3D modeling step, our system is designed to integrate the sparse 3D points reconstructed from multi-view images and a sketching interface to achieve accurate 3D modeling of a mechanism. To recover the motion parameters, we record a video clip of the mechanism motion and adopt stochastic optimization to recover its motion parameters by edge matching. Experimental results show that our system can achieve the 3D modeling of a range of mechanisms from simple mechanical toys to complex mechanism objects.

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Published: 05 December 2016
Published in TOG Volume 35, Issue 6


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  1. interactive modeling
  2. mechanism modeling
  3. motion structure optimization
  4. multi-view images
  5. sketch-based modeling


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