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A Review of Continuous Authentication Using Behavioral Biometrics

Published: 25 September 2016 Publication History


The present study carries out a literature review on the topic of Continuous Authentication (CA) using behavioral biometrics. CA systems have been proposed in order to solve the shortcomings of other user authentication methods. CA processes are considered to raise systems security and reliability, and biometric technologies have increasingly become part of security architectures. Since some of uni-biometrics' vulnerabilities have already been revealed, they have been replaced or enhanced by multi-biometrics where behavioral biometrics are gaining ground as a new way of establishing the identity of a user. We therefore present a collection of selected published sources relevant to this topic accompanied by annotation, critical analysis of contents and, in some cases apposition of the main conclusions of each work. This work can help new researchers, scientists and the industry develop new systems and technologies by providing them a ready to use literature base with theoretical and practical aspects on Continuous Authentication using behavioral biometrics.


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SEEDA-CECNSM '16: Proceedings of the SouthEast European Design Automation, Computer Engineering, Computer Networks and Social Media Conference
September 2016
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Published: 25 September 2016


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  1. Behavioral Biometrics
  2. Continuous Authentication
  3. Literature Review
  4. Mobile Phones
  5. Privacy Risk


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