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MMHealth '16: Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Workshop on Multimedia for Personal Health and Health Care
ACM2016 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
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  • United States
MM '16: ACM Multimedia Conference Amsterdam The Netherlands 16 October 2016
16 October 2016
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We are delighted to welcome you to the First International Workshop on Multimedia for Personal Health and Health Care, held on October 16, 2016 in conjunction with ACM Multimedia in Amsterdam.

Multimedia and health is a new and developing field and has become an integral part of the tools and systems that are providing solutions to today's societal challenges such as personal health and health care. This workshop is addressing the different aspects of multimedia in personal health. The special characteristic of the workshop is the joining of a challenging and highly application domain and multimedia research. The workshop is of a very interdisciplinary nature which is reflected by its faceted topics of interest which are also covered by the different expertise of the organizers. With this workshop we aim to give the topics a clear home where the domain expertise meets with multimedia research questions.

The program of the workshop is offering a wonderful spectrum of ongoing international work in the field of multimedia in health and health care. The program of the workshop offers a set of full and short papers as well as an exciting and interactive demonstration session. We are looking forward to an exciting discussion in this new area.

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SESSION: Keynote Address
From Personal Wellness to Healthcare Support Systems: A Big Data Driven Approach

The abundance and growing usage of social media has resulted in a huge depository of users' social posts, which provide a stethoscope for inferring individuals' habits, preferences, lifestyle and wellness. In this research, we look into mining users' ...

SESSION: Paper Session 1
On the Development of an ASR-based Multimedia Game for Speech Therapy: Preliminary Results

A potential consequence of the ageing population is an increased incidence of neurological diseases that cause communicative disorders. In turn, this may lead to an increasing demand of intensive and costly speech therapy. To alleviate this problem, ...

A Dual Screen Concept for User-Controlled Hypervideo-Based Physiotherapy Training

Dual screen concepts for hypervideo-based physiotherapy training are important in healthcare settings, but existing applications often cannot be adapted to personal needs and do not support correct posture. In this paper, we describe the design and ...

A Technology Platform for Enabling Behavioural Change as a "PATHway" Towards Better Self-management of CVD

We describe a technology platform developed as part of a novel approach to technology-enabled exercise-based Cardiac Rehabilitation (CR), termed PATHway. We explain the overall concept and explain how technology can facilitate remote participation and ...

Supporting Self-Assembly: The IKEA Effect on Mobile Health Persuasive Technology

In this paper, we propose the idea of examining the effect of self-assembly on the success of mobile health persuasive technology. The IKEA effect shows that individuals evaluate products assembled by themselves more positively than pre-assembled ...

Evaluation of a Multi-Tier Heterogeneous Sensor Network for Patient Monitoring: The Case of Benin

In this paper we propose and evaluate a wireless sensor network (WSN) system in order to improve an existing patient-monitoring and surveillance system at the cardiologic intensive care unit (CICU) of a large university clinic (Centre Hospitalier ...

SESSION: Paper Session 2
Visualization of Complex Health Data on Mobile Devices

As we track and collect more and more personal health data using multimedia devices and systems, it is getting more and more complex to visualize our health data. This is further challenged as the mobile phone, in spite of its limited screen size and ...

Multimodal Sensing and Intelligent Fusion for Remote Dementia Care and Support

A comprehensive multi-sensor monitoring and feedback system is presented, designed to support independent living for elderly people with dementia or other conditions and provide decision support for their formal and informal caregivers. This solution ...

Perspectives on Tablet-based Multimedia Interventions for Behavioral Health: Populations, Venues, and Delivery modalities

The current paper reports on a study examining the use of a tablet-based multimedia intervention to increase HIV test rates among patients in a New York City hospital Emergency Department (ED) serving the Harlem area. The findings from this qualitative ...

Focus on Accessibility: Multimodal Healthcare Technology for All

New health technologies are not accessible to all users due to the circumstantial or permanent disabilities some users have. Especially in healthcare, attention must be paid to accommodating all potential users or patients. With the smart use of ...

Supporting Self-Assembly: A Demo on Mobile Health Apps

This is the demo version of our workshop paper (Supporting Self-Assembly: The IKEA Effect on Mobile Health Persuasive Technology). We describe our proposal and experimental plan in this demo.

Second Screen Hypervideo-Based Physiotherapy Training: INVITED DEMO PAPER

Adapting to personal needs and supporting correct posture are important in physiotherapy training. In this demo, we show a dual screen application (handheld and TV) that allows patients to view hypervideo training programs. Designed to guide their daily ...

A Demonstration of the PATHway System for Technology-enabled Exercise-based Cardiac Rehabilitation

We described an invited demonstration to MMHealth'16 of a platform for technology-enabled exercise-based Cardiac Rehabilitation (CR). The demo focuses on one technical aspect of a much broader lifestyle intervention program i.e. real-time estimation of ...

  • University of Oldenburg
  • The University of Tokyo
  • Centre for Research and Technology-Hellas
  • Dublin City University
  • University of California, Irvine
  • Oldenburger Forschungs- Und Entwicklungsinstitut fur Informatik-Werkzeuge Und -Systeme
  1. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Workshop on Multimedia for Personal Health and Health Care
