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Co-design, co-teaching and co-learning in technology hands-on university tuition

Published: 17 October 2016 Publication History


Real practice-oriented co-learning is built through co-design and co-teaching phases carried out in cooperation between a university, students, and industrial partners. Interaction between universities and students has been studied a great deal, but the role of an industrial partner in co-learning and the cooperation between these three actors has not received as much attention. We point out the opportunities and challenges this kind of setting creates through an empirical case of a hands-on university technology course that is based on interactions between these equal actors. The results are promising. The case bridges the gap between students' competencies and the needs of business life. Based on the study, the course offers a way to learn about technology in a refreshing and motivating manner. The learning results are laudable.


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AcademicMindtrek '16: Proceedings of the 20th International Academic Mindtrek Conference
October 2016
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 17 October 2016


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  1. co-design
  2. co-learning
  3. co-teaching
  4. hands-on course
  5. industry-university cooperation
  6. technology


  • Research-article


AcademicMindtrek'16: Academic Mindtrek Conference 2016
October 17 - 18, 2016
Tampere, Finland

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  • (2018)Smart Campus Innovation LabProceedings of the 22nd International Academic Mindtrek Conference10.1145/3275116.3275145(251-254)Online publication date: 10-Oct-2018

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