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CCSW '16: Proceedings of the 2016 ACM on Cloud Computing Security Workshop
ACM2016 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
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  • United States
CCS'16: 2016 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security Vienna Austria 28 October 2016
28 October 2016
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It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the 8th ACM Cloud Computing Security Workshop (CCSW). Since its inception, CCSW has been a forum for bringing together researchers and practitioners to discuss technological advances bearing on the security of compute clouds, their tenants, and the larger Internet community. This year's workshop continues in this tradition.

Submissions were evaluated by a program committee of 28 experts in the field, resulting in the selection of 8 full papers (from 23 submitted) and 2 short papers (from 4 submitted) after a roughly one-month review process and online discussion. In addition, the workshop hosted invited lectures by Dr. Michael Waidner from the Fraunhofer SIT and Technische Universität Darmstadt, and Mr. Luciano Franceschina from Teralytics.

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SESSION: Cloud Data Security
Data Analytics: Understanding Human Behavior based on Mobile Network Data

Cellular networks are aware of the approximate geographical location of all connected devices 24/7 in order to route calls and network packets. Teralytics is a data analytics company specialized in analyzing this particular dataset: Mobile network data ...

Co-location Resistant Strategy with Full Resources Optimization

In the public clouds, an adversary can co-locate his or her virtual machines (VMs) with others on the same physical servers to start an attack against the integrity, confidentiality or availability. The one important factor to decrease the likelihood of ...

SESSION: Secure Query Processing, and Web Applications
Executing Boolean Queries on an Encrypted Bitmap Index

We propose a simple and efficient searchable symmetric encryption scheme based on a Bitmap index that evaluates Boolean queries. Our scheme provides a practical solution in settings where communications and computations are very constrained as it offers ...

Poly-Logarithmic Range Queries on Encrypted Data with Small Leakage

Privacy-preserving range queries allow encrypting data while still enabling queries on ciphertexts if their corresponding plaintexts fall within a requested range. This provides a data owner the possibility to outsource data collections to a cloud ...

Encrypting Analytical Web Applications

The software-as-a-service (SaaS) market is growing very fast, but still many clients are concerned about the confidentiality of their data in the cloud. Motivated hackers or malicious insiders could try to steal the clients' data. Encryption is a ...

SESSION: Secure Multitenancy & Cloud Attack Detection
Oblivious RAM as a Substrate for Cloud Storage -- The Leakage Challenge Ahead

Oblivious RAM (ORAM) is a well-established technology to hide data access patterns from an untrusted storage system. Although research in ORAM has been spurred in the last few years with the irruption of cloud computing, it is still unclear whether ORAM ...

Towards an Efficient Policy Evaluation Process in Multi-Tenancy Cloud Environments

Cloud computing offers most of its services under multi-tenancy environments. To satisfy security requirements among collaborating tenants, each tenant may define a set of access control policies to secure access to shared data. Several cloud solutions ...

SESSION: Secure Storage and Storage Efficiency
On Information Leakage in Deduplicated Storage Systems

Most existing cloud storage providers rely on data deduplication in order to significantly save storage costs by storing duplicate data only once. While the literature has thoroughly analyzed client-side information leakage associated with the use of ...

Message-Locked Proofs of Retrievability with Secure Deduplication

This paper addresses the problem of data retrievability in cloud computing systems performing deduplication to optimize their space savings: While there exist a number of proof of retrievability (PoR) solutions that guarantee storage correctness with ...

Generic Efficient Dynamic Proofs of Retrievability

Together with its great advantages, cloud storage brought many interesting security issues to our attention. Since 2007, with the first efficient storage integrity protocols Proofs of Retrievability (PoR) of Juels and Kaliski, and Provable Data ...

Assured Deletion in the Cloud: Requirements, Challenges and Future Directions

Inadvertent exposure of sensitive data is a major concern for potential cloud customers. Much focus has been on other data leakage vectors, such as side channel attacks, while issues of data disposal and assured deletion have not received enough ...

  • Graz University of Technology
  • University of Vienna
  • University of Passau
  • IBM Research - Zurich
  • Duke University
Index terms have been assigned to the content through auto-classification.


Acceptance Rates

CCSW '16 Paper Acceptance Rate 8 of 23 submissions, 35%;
Overall Acceptance Rate 37 of 108 submissions, 34%
CCSW '1623835%
CCSW '1521629%
CCSW '14361233%
CCSW '13281139%