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10.1145/3001867.3001868acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesfosdConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Fine-grained test case prioritization for integration testing of delta-oriented software product lines

Published: 30 October 2016 Publication History


Software product line (SPL) testing is a challenging task, due to the huge number of variants sharing common functionalities to be taken into account for efficient testing. By adopting the concept of regression testing, incremental SPL testing strategies cope with this challenge by exploiting the reuse potential of test artifacts between subsequent variants under test. In previous work, we proposed delta-oriented test case prioritization for incremental SPL integration testing, where differences between architecture test model variants allow for reasoning about the order of reusable test cases to be executed. However, the prioritization left two issues open, namely (1) changes to component behavior are ignored, which may also influence component interactions and, (2) the weighting and ordering of similar test cases result in an unintended clustering of test cases. In this paper, we extend the test case prioritization technique by (1) incorporating changes to component behavior allowing for a more fine-grained analysis and (2) defining a dissimilarity measure to avoid clustered test case orders. We prototyped our test case prioritization technique and evaluated its applicability and effectiveness by means of a case study from the automotive domain showing positive results.


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    cover image ACM Conferences
    FOSD 2016: Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Feature-Oriented Software Development
    October 2016
    84 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 30 October 2016


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    1. Delta-Oriented Software Product Lines
    2. Model-Based Integration Testing
    3. Test Case Prioritization


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