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View all- Chan JLinnell LTrac CDrzewiecki KOttmar E(2023)Test of Times New Roman: effects of font type on mathematical performanceEducational Research for Policy and Practice10.1007/s10671-023-09333-8Online publication date: 4-Feb-2023
Many surface computing prototypes have employed gestures created by system designers. Although such gestures are appropriate for early investigations, they are not necessarily reflective of user behavior. We present an approach to designing tabletop ...
Gesture elicitation studies represent a popular and resourceful method in HCI to inform the design of intuitive gesture commands, reflective of end-users' behavior, for controlling all kinds of interactive devices, applications, and systems. In the last ...
A variety of intelligent tutoring systems have been created for the purpose of teaching computer programming. Most published literature focuses on systems that have been developed to teach programming within tertiary courses. A majority of systems have ...
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