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Parametric statecharts: designing flexible IoT apps: deploying android m-health apps in dynamic smart-homes

Published: 31 January 2017 Publication History


Mobile apps can integrate sensors and actuators in Internet-of-Things systems to achieve novel and diverse functionalities. For instance, apps can implement self-management and monitoring functions to help patients manage a large number of health conditions within their (smart-) homes. However, each smart-home may contain a different and often dynamic sensor-actuator configuration and it is undesirable to write new code for every new installation or change. Statecharts present an appropriate formal and visual design model to design apps and support automatic code generation. However, these designs assume a specific and static sensor-actuator configuration. We propose parametric statecharts, an extension to statecharts that can be automatically customised to a dynamic smart-home's configuration. We develop a translator to convert parametric statecharts into standard statecharts customised to a given system configuration, and then a custom compiler to generate Android code. Experimental results confirm the flexibility of the proposed approach.


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ACSW '17: Proceedings of the Australasian Computer Science Week Multiconference
January 2017
615 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 31 January 2017


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  1. IoT
  2. automatic code generation
  3. design
  4. m-health apps
  5. mobile apps
  6. smart-homes
  7. statecharts


  • Research-article


ACSW 2017
ACSW 2017: Australasian Computer Science Week 2017
January 30 - February 3, 2017
Geelong, Australia

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ACSW '17 Paper Acceptance Rate 78 of 156 submissions, 50%;
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  • (2018)Monitoring IoT Objects in Wearable Applications: An Alloy-Based Approach2018 International Conference on Advanced Computing and Applications (ACOMP)10.1109/ACOMP.2018.00014(35-41)Online publication date: Nov-2018
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