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View all- Liu YZhang QLiu ZLi GXiong SLuo Y(2022)An Anti-Jamming Method against Interrupted Sampling Repeater Jamming Based on Compressed SensingSensors10.3390/s2206223922:6(2239)Online publication date: 14-Mar-2022
This paper considers efficient sampling of simultaneously sparse and correlated (S&C) signals for automotive radar application. We propose an implementable sampling architecture for the acquisition of S&C at a sub-Nyquist rate. We ...
Polynomial-phase signals have numerous applications including radar, sonar, geophysics, and radio communication. Many techniques for estimating the parameters of polynomial-phase signals have been described in the literature. Despite the significant ...
A standard problem in certain applications requires one to find a reconstruction of an analogue signal f from a sequence of its samples f ( t k ) k. The great success of such a reconstruction consists, under additional assumptions, in the fact that an analogue ...
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