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Version-Aware Rating Prediction for Mobile App Recommendation

Published: 23 June 2017 Publication History


With the great popularity of mobile devices, the amount of mobile apps has grown at a more dramatic rate than ever expected. A technical challenge is how to recommend suitable apps to mobile users. In this work, we identify and focus on a unique characteristic that exists in mobile app recommendation—that is, an app usually corresponds to multiple release versions. Based on this characteristic, we propose a fine-grain version-aware app recommendation problem. Instead of directly learning the users’ preferences over the apps, we aim to infer the ratings of users on a specific version of an app. However, the user-version rating matrix will be sparser than the corresponding user-app rating matrix, making existing recommendation methods less effective. In view of this, our approach has made two major extensions. First, we leverage the review text that is associated with each rating record; more importantly, we consider two types of version-based correlations. The first type is to capture the temporal correlations between multiple versions within the same app, and the second type of correlation is to capture the aggregation correlations between similar apps. Experimental results on a large dataset demonstrate the superiority of our approach over several competitive methods.


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    cover image ACM Transactions on Information Systems
    ACM Transactions on Information Systems  Volume 35, Issue 4
    Special issue: Search, Mining and their Applications on Mobile Devices
    October 2017
    461 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

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    Publication History

    Published: 23 June 2017
    Accepted: 01 November 2016
    Revised: 01 September 2016
    Received: 01 June 2016
    Published in TOIS Volume 35, Issue 4


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    1. App rating prediction
    2. recommender systems
    3. version correlation


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    • National Key Research and Development Program of China
    • Beijing Natural Science Foundation
    • Baidu gift
    • National 863 Program of China
    • Program A for Outstanding PhD candidate of Nanjing University
    • Army Research Office
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    • National Institutes of Health
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    • Region II University Transportation Center
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