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Cloud computing adoption readiness assessment in saudi healthcare organisations: a strategic view

Published: 22 March 2017 Publication History


Adopting Cloud Computing is a decision-making problem that raises a number of critical issues for organisation management. The aim of this paper is to apply Holistic Approach Framework for Cloud Computing Strategic Decision-Making in Healthcare Sector (HAF-CCS) to provide a systematic approach that takes into account different perspectives. This framework has been developed to act as an assessment tool for healthcare organisations that are considering adopting Cloud Computing. This framework will provide health organisations with strategic planning and risk assessment strategies to avoid the risks, and gain the full advantages of, Cloud Computing. This framework is based on a holistic view of the organisation that covers multiple perspectives and includes factors other than Technology such as: Human, Business, Organisational and Environmental factors.


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ICC '17: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Internet of things, Data and Cloud Computing
March 2017
1349 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Publication History

Published: 22 March 2017


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  1. cloud assessment framework
  2. cloud computing
  3. readiness assessment
  4. saudi arabia
  5. strategic framework


  • Research-article

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  • Ministry of Higher Education-Saudi Arabia


ICC '17

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