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10.1145/3019612.3019814acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagessacConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Marketing campaign targeting using bridge extraction

Published: 03 April 2017 Publication History


In this paper we introduce a methodology for improving targeting of marketing campaigns using bridge prediction in influential communities. The campaign strategy involves the identification of nodes with high brand loyalty and top-ranking nodes in terms on frequency of bridges that will be involved in the evolution of the graph. Our approach is based on an efficient classification model combining topological characteristics of a crawled social graph with sentiment and linguistic traits of user-nodes and influence in social media. To validate our approach we present a set of experimental results using a well-defined dataset from Twitter. Our methodology is useful to recommendation systems as well as to marketers who are interested to use social influence and run effective marketing campaigns.


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  1. Marketing campaign targeting using bridge extraction



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    April 2017
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    Association for Computing Machinery

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    Published: 03 April 2017


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    1. graph mining
    2. link prediction
    3. sentiment analysis
    4. social marketing


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    • (2023)The engage taxonomy: SDT-based measurable engagement indicators for MOOCs and their evaluationUser Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction10.1007/s11257-023-09374-x34:2(323-374)Online publication date: 12-Aug-2023
    • (2020)Data Architecture: A Sustainable Foundation for Data ExploitationIEEE Potentials10.1109/MPOT.2020.301458939:6(15-21)Online publication date: Nov-2020

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