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User-Guided Synthesis of Interactive Diagrams

Published: 02 May 2017 Publication History


Interactive diagrams are expensive to build, requiring significant programming experience. The cost of building such diagrams often prevents novice programmers or non-programmers from doing so. In this paper, we present user-guided techniques that transform a static diagram into an interactive one without requiring the user to write code. We also present a tool called EDDIE that prototypes these techniques. We evaluate EDDIE through: (1) a case study in which we use EDDIE to implement existing real-world diagrams from the literature and (2) a usability session with target users in which subjects build several diagrams in EDDIE and provide feedback on EDDIE's user experience. Our experiments demonstrate that EDDIE is usable and expressive, and that EDDIE enables real-world diagrams to be implemented without requiring programming expertise.

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  1. User-Guided Synthesis of Interactive Diagrams



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