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Structured Input Improves Usability and Precision for Solving Geometry-based Algebraic Problems

Published: 02 May 2017 Publication History


Previous research has shown that sketch-based input is efficient and preferable in the context of algebraic equation solving. However, research has not been conducted to evaluate whether this holds true when involving geometry input to facilitate quantitative problem-solving. We developed a bimodal (graphing geometric shapes and writing algebraic expressions) user interface, in order to conduct a within-subject, controlled experiment with 24 college students and varied two types of geometry input: 1) sketch-based input and 2) structured input. The sketch-based input was significantly faster than the structured input, but there were no significant differences based on perception and cognition. However, after a post-hoc analysis, we found a significant interaction effect on perception between prior knowledge and geometry input. Novice students preferred the sketch-based input, but advanced students preferred the structured input. Our study implies that natural sketch-based input may be less preferable than structured input for geometry-based interfaces toward math problem-solving.

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  • (2017)Examining Interaction Modality Effects Toward Engagement in an Interactive Learning EnvironmentData Driven Approaches in Digital Education10.1007/978-3-319-66610-5_8(97-110)Online publication date: 5-Sep-2017

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  1. Structured Input Improves Usability and Precision for Solving Geometry-based Algebraic Problems


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