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Handsfree Omnidirectional VR Navigation using Head Tilt

Published: 02 May 2017 Publication History


Navigating mobile virtual reality (VR) is a challenge due to limited input options and/or a requirement for handsfree interaction. Walking-in-place (WIP) is considered to offer a higher presence than controller input but only allows unidirectional navigation in the direction of the user's gaze--which impedes navigation efficiency. Leaning input enables omnidirectional navigation but currently relies on bulky controllers, which aren't feasible in mobile VR contexts. This note evaluates the use of head-tilt - implemented using inertial sensing - to allow for handsfree omnidirectional VR navigation on mobile VR platforms. A user study with 24 subjects compared three input methods using an obstacle avoidance navigation task: (1) head-tilt alone (TILT) (2) a hybrid method (WIP-TILT) that uses head tilting for direction and WIP to control speed; and (3) traditional controller input. TILT was significantly faster than WIP-TILT and joystick input, while WIP-TILT and TILT offered the highest presence. There was no difference in cybersickness between input methods.

Supplementary Material

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MP4 File (p4063-tregillus.mp4)


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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 02 May 2017


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  1. games
  2. head-tilt
  3. inertial sensing
  4. locomotion
  5. mobile vr
  6. simulator-sickness
  7. virtual reality
  8. walking-in-place


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