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10.1145/3025453.3025529acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PageschiConference Proceedingsconference-collections

"It's a Bomb!" -- Material Literacy and Narratives of Making

Published: 02 May 2017 Publication History


This paper analyses a series of events in which a discarded box found in a garbage room is examined and taken apart in the context of a makerspace. The participants' inquiry provided a rich and multifaceted experience in various settings, including puzzle-solving, exploring physical and digital materials, engaging people with different skills. The social engagements with and around the artifacts brought certain interpretative aspects to the fore. Situated acts of interpretation worked as ways of building a coherent narrative and a meaningful experience. In the paper, we highlight the relationship between on the one hand the subjects' skills and motivations to understand and make sense of the technology at hand which we call material literacy, and on the other hand the specific material qualities that encourage or trigger certain interpretations and experiences. The qualities we discuss are: opacity, risk, authenticity, uniqueness, age, and hybridity. This study allows us to reposition the contemporary understanding of makerspaces beyond that of being places for innovation and learning.

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MP4 File (p121-sydow.mp4)


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  1. "It's a Bomb!" -- Material Literacy and Narratives of Making



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