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We Play We Learn: Exploring the Value of Digital Educational Games in Rural Egypt

Published: 02 May 2017 Publication History


The Egyptian education system faces urgent challenges. Proposed governmental reforms tend to focus on increasing access to physical and digital resources. There is insufficient understanding as to how the provided resources are currently used in rural areas. We explored the extent to which digital technology could motivate primary students to collaboratively learn a challenging topic in the National Mathematics Curriculum. We designed and researched a digital game to support memorizing multiplication facts. We used an incentive structure that encouraged individual learning with rewarding teamwork. The game was tested with mixed ability and gender groups of students using the Teams-Game-Tournament collaboration technique. A key outcome was that the students with educationally disadvantaged backgrounds benefited from using the game format. They devised their own play and study strategies. We discuss implications on future designs of the game, and considerations for its integration in Egyptian schools.


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CHI '17: Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
May 2017
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 02 May 2017


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  1. Egypt
  2. HCI4D
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  5. collaborative learning
  6. edutainment
  7. game-based learning
  8. games
  9. play


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