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Traversing Boundaries: Understanding the Experiences of Ageing Saudis

Published: 02 May 2017 Publication History


This is a methods paper that draws from our fieldwork conducted in Saudi Arabia to understand ageing people's experiences. This paper focuses on insights gained when using qualitative methods to understand the experiences of ageing Saudis. The aim is to highlight some of the cultural considerations, opportunities, challenges, and issues that influenced our approach and deployment of interviews and probes. Influences of social-cultural practices and religion led to interesting challenges for recruitment, conducting cross-gender communications, and how participants reported their experiences. This paper offers methodological considerations that include the influences of local culture, gender, religion, etc. We also discuss how we shaped our fieldwork tools based upon considerations of local cultural and religious contexts. In particular, we highlight the usefulness of probes in traversing cultural boundaries.


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    1. ageing
    2. cultural considerations
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    7. privacy
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    9. saudi arabia
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