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Experimental Analysis of Mode Switching Techniques in Touch-based User Interfaces

Published: 02 May 2017 Publication History


This paper presents the results of a 36 participant empirical comparison of touch mode-switching. Six techniques are evaluated, spanning current and future techniques: long press, non-dominant hand, two-fingers, hard press, knuckle, and thumb-on-finger. Two poses are controlled for, seated with the tablet on a desk and standing with the tablet held on the forearm. Findings indicate pose has no effect on mode switching time and little effect on error rate; using two-fingers is fastest while long press is much slower; non-preferred hand and thumb-on-finger also rate highly in subjective scores. The experiment protocol is based on Li et al.'s pen mode-switching study, enabling a comparison of touch and pen mode switching. Among the common techniques, the non-dominant hand is faster than pressure with touch, whereas no significant difference had been found for pen. Our work addresses the lack of empirical evidence comparing touch mode-switching techniques and provides guidance to practitioners when choosing techniques and to researchers when designing new mode-switching methods.

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  1. Experimental Analysis of Mode Switching Techniques in Touch-based User Interfaces



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