Cited By
View all- Zheng CWen WLu XChang WChen BWu QXiang ZGuo XZhao C(2022)Three-Dimensional Wheat Modelling Based on Leaf Morphological Features and Mesh DeformationAgronomy10.3390/agronomy1202041412:2(414)Online publication date: 7-Feb-2022
In this paper we present a new multiresolution technique for general topology surfaces based on reversing subdivision with energy minimization. We first introduce a general reverse subdivision approach that starts from a trial set of biorthogonal ...
Level Of Detail (LOD) modelling or mesh reduction has been found useful in interactive walkthrough applications. Progressive meshing techniques based on edge or triangle collapsing have been recognised useful in continuous LOD, progressive refinement, ...
This paper investigates the set of all selectively refined meshes that can be obtained from a progressive mesh. We call the set the transitive mesh space of a progressive mesh and present a theoretical analysis of the space. We define selective edge ...
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