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Clustered Model Adaption for Personalized Sentiment Analysis

Published: 03 April 2017 Publication History


We propose to capture humans' variable and idiosyncratic sentiment via building personalized sentiment classification models at a group level. Our solution roots in the social comparison theory that humans tend to form groups with others of similar minds and ability, and the cognitive consistency theory that mutual influence inside groups will eventually shape group norms and attitudes, with which group members will all shift to align. We formalize personalized sentiment classification as a multi-task learning problem. In particular, to exploit the clustering property of users' opinions, we impose a non-parametric Dirichlet Process prior over the personalized models, in which group members share the same customized sentiment model adapted from a global classifier. Extensive experimental evaluations on large collections of Amazon and Yelp reviews confirm the effectiveness of the proposed solution: it outperformed user-independent classification solutions, and several state-of-the-art model adaptation and multi-task learning algorithms.


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cover image ACM Other conferences
WWW '17: Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web
April 2017
1678 pages


  • IW3C2: International World Wide Web Conference Committee



International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee

Republic and Canton of Geneva, Switzerland

Publication History

Published: 03 April 2017


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  1. model adaptation
  2. multi-task learning
  3. sentiment analysis


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  • IW3C2

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