Cited By
View all- Ma QHuang JBasar TLiu JChen X(2021)Reputation and Pricing Dynamics in Online MarketsIEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking10.1109/TNET.2021.307150629:4(1745-1759)Online publication date: Aug-2021
We study the economic interactions among sellers and buyers in online markets. In such markets, buyers have limited information about the product quality, but can observe the sellers’ reputations which depend on their past transaction histories and ...
The purpose of this study is to empirically investigate what factors that affect consumers' adoption intention of sharing economy in the tourism industry from the perspective of social learning theory. By presenting the concept of consumers' self-...
Motivated by the contradictory findings in literature regarding whether high-reputation sellers enjoy a price premium over low-reputation sellers, this paper examines the pricing strategies of sellers with different reputation levels. We find that a ...
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