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Analyzing and Optimizing Access Control Choice Architectures in Online Social Networks

Published: 11 May 2017 Publication History


The way users manage access to their information and computers has a tremendous effect on the overall security and privacy of individuals and organizations. Usually, access management is conducted using a choice architecture, a behavioral economics concept that describes the way decisions are framed to users. Studies have consistently shown that the design of choice architectures, mainly the selection of default options, has a strong effect on the final decisions users make by nudging them toward certain behaviors. In this article, we propose a method for optimizing access control choice architectures in online social networks. We empirically evaluate the methodology on Facebook, the world's largest online social network, by measuring how well the default options cover the existing user choices and preferences and toward which outcome the choice architecture nudges users. The evaluation includes two parts: (a) collecting access control decisions made by 266 users of Facebook for a period of 3 months; and (b) surveying 533 participants who were asked to express their preferences regarding default options. We demonstrate how optimal defaults can be algorithmically identified from users’ decisions and preferences, and we measure how existing defaults address users’ preferences compared with the optimal ones. We analyze how access control defaults can better serve existing users, and we discuss how our method can be used to establish a common measuring tool when examining the effects of default options.


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                        Published In

                        cover image ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology
                        ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology  Volume 8, Issue 4
                        Special Issue: Cyber Security and Regular Papers
                        July 2017
                        288 pages
                        • Editor:
                        • Yu Zheng
                        Issue’s Table of Contents
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                        Association for Computing Machinery

                        New York, NY, United States

                        Publication History

                        Published: 11 May 2017
                        Accepted: 01 January 2017
                        Revised: 01 December 2016
                        Received: 01 March 2016
                        Published in TIST Volume 8, Issue 4


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                        1. Access control
                        2. choice architecture
                        3. privacy
                        4. social networks


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