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User evaluation of an augmented reality prototype for expert/field operator remote assistance in aeronautics

Published: 06 July 2016 Publication History


The field of aeronautic maintenance is more and more demanding and complex. There is a rising demand for systems to help operators in their activities. Augmented reality is a recurring solution, allowing to display virtual content (e.g. documentation) over a real scene. We conceived the TAC system (Collaborative Remote Assistance), which uses augmented reality to improve the collaboration between an operator and a remote expert. In this article, we present an end-user evaluation of the TAC prototype, validating the use of augmented reality as a support for operator-expert communication.


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Ergo'IA '16: Proceedings of the 15th Ergo'IA "Ergonomie Et Informatique Avancée" Conference
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Published: 06 July 2016


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