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10.1145/3055624.3075947acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication Pagesweb3dConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Towards browsing repositories of spatially oriented historic photographic images in 3D web environments

Published: 05 June 2017 Publication History


Archives and museums store vast collections of historical images of urban areas and make them publicly available through online platforms. Many of these images, often containing historic buildings and landscapes, can be oriented spatially using automatic methods such as structure from motion (SfM). Providing spatially and temporally oriented images of urban architecture, in combination with advanced searching and 2D/3D exploration techniques, offers new potentials in supporting historians in their research.
We are developing a 3D web environment usable to historians to spatially search online media repositories containing historic photographic images. We combine 3D models of historic buildings with spatially oriented images, replacing text-based searching through meta-data with spatial and temporal browsing with respect to given focus points in historic city models.


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Published In

cover image ACM Conferences
Web3D '17: Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on 3D Web Technology
June 2017
157 pages
  • General Chairs:
  • Matt Adcock,
  • Tomasz Bednarz
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 05 June 2017


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  1. WebGL
  2. photo databases
  3. spatial browsing


  • Research-article

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Web3D '17
Web3D '17: The 22nd International Conference on Web3D Technology
June 5 - 7, 2017
Queensland, Brisbane, Australia


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  • (2022)Digital 3D Technologies for Humanities Research and Education: An OverviewApplied Sciences10.3390/app1205242612:5(2426)Online publication date: 25-Feb-2022
  • (2022)In Which Images Does This Corner Appears? A Novel Approach for Three-Dimensional Query of Historical Photographs Collections in Urban Heritage ResearchResearch and Education in Urban History in the Age of Digital Libraries10.1007/978-3-030-93186-5_7(152-170)Online publication date: 11-Jan-2022
  • (2022)Comparing Methods to Visualize Orientation of Photographs: A User StudyResearch and Education in Urban History in the Age of Digital Libraries10.1007/978-3-030-93186-5_6(129-151)Online publication date: 11-Jan-2022
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