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Soft Short-Text Clustering using PageRank as a Centrality Measure

Published: 24 February 2017 Publication History


While a hard clustering algorithm lets a pattern to belong to a single cluster class, soft clustering allows patterns to belong to all cluster classes with different degrees of relationship. This is important in the case of short-text clustering, in which a small-sized text fragment such as a quotation or sentence may be related to more than one subject or topic. However, soft clustering of short-text is complicated by the computational difficulties inherent in defining cluster centroids using conventional cluster centrality measures. Therefore, this paper proposes a new soft short-text clustering algorithm based on the use of PageRank as a centrality measure. Results suggest that when used in hard clustering mode, its performance is on par with state-of-the-art spectral clustering algorithms. Advantages of the algorithm include its ability to perform soft clustering, its ability to operate on non-symmetric matrices, and its ability to converge automatically to an appropriate number of cluster classes.


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ICMLC '17: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Machine Learning and Computing
February 2017
545 pages
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  • Southwest Jiaotong University


Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 24 February 2017


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  1. Centrality Measurement
  2. PageRank
  3. Soft Short-Text Clustering


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