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10.1145/3063955.3063979acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication Pagesacm-turcConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Learning word embeddings via context grouping

Published: 12 May 2017 Publication History


Recently, neural-network based word embedding models have been shown to produce high-quality distributional representations capturing both semantic and syntactic information. In this paper, we propose a grouping-based context predictive model by considering the interactions of context words, which generalizes the widely used CBOW model and Skip-Gram model. In particular, the words within a context window are split into several groups with a grouping function, where words in the same group are combined while different groups are treated as independent. To determine the grouping function, we propose a relatedness hypothesis stating the relationship among context words and propose several context grouping methods. Experimental results demonstrate better representations can be learned with suitable context groups.


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ACM TURC '17: Proceedings of the ACM Turing 50th Celebration Conference - China
May 2017
371 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Publication History

Published: 12 May 2017


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  1. context grouping
  2. non-parametric clustering
  3. word embeddings


  • Research-article




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