Cited By
View all- Williams MDouglass R(2023)Ensuring the Security of Defense IoT Through Automatic Code GenerationIoT for Defense and National Security10.1002/9781119892199.ch16(307-323)Online publication date: 6-Jan-2023
Software vulnerabilities are one of the leading causes of the loss of confidential data resulting in financial damages in the industry. As a result, software companies strive to discover potential vulnerabilities before the software is deployed. While ...
We mine software vulnerabilities to facilitate vendors in making decisions about future vulnerabilities in software applications.Results show that no significant difference exists in trend of vulnerabilities.Sequential patterns of vulnerability events ...
Software vulnerabilities are an important part of the modern software economy. Being able to accurately classify software defects as a vulnerability, or not, allows developers and end users to expend appropriately more effort on fixing those defects ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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