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View all- Kabir AKamal MAhmad FUllah ZAlbogamy FHafeez GMehmood F(2021)Optimized Economic Load Dispatch with Multiple Fuels and Valve-Point Effects Using Hybrid Genetic–Artificial Fish Swarm AlgorithmSustainability10.3390/su13191060913:19(10609)Online publication date: 24-Sep-2021
- Duan YGao ZPeng ZYang WWang Y(2019)Formation Transformation Based on Leader-Follower AlgorithmInternational Journal of Technology and Human Interaction10.4018/IJTHI.201907010315:3(28-46)Online publication date: 1-Jul-2019
- Liu XLi DDong NIp WYung K(2019)Noncooperative Target Detection of Spacecraft Objects Based on Artificial Bee Colony AlgorithmIEEE Intelligent Systems10.1109/MIS.2019.292950134:4(3-15)Online publication date: 1-Jul-2019
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