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10.1145/3075564.3075571acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagescfConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Optimal On-Line Computation of Stack Distances for MIN and OPT

Published: 15 May 2017 Publication History


The replacement policies known as MIN and OPT are optimal for a two-level memory hierarchy. The computation of the cache content for these policies requires the off-line knowledge of the entire address trace. However, the stack distance of a given access, that is, the smallest capacity of a cache for which that access results in a hit, is independent of future accesses and can be computed on-line. Off-line and on-line algorithms to compute the stack distance in time O(V) per access have been known for several decades, where V denotes the number of distinct addresses within the trace. The off-line time bound was recently improved to O(√V log V).
This paper introduces the Critical Stack Algorithm for the online computation of the stack distance of MIN and OPT, in time O(log V) per access. The result exploits a novel analysis of properties of OPT and data structures based on balanced binary trees. A corresponding Ω(log V) lower bound is derived by a reduction from element distinctness; this bound holds in a variety of models of computation and applies even to the off-line simulation of just one cache capacity.


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  • (2023)Increment - and - Freeze: Every Cache, Everywhere, All of the TimeProceedings of the 35th ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures10.1145/3558481.3591085(129-139)Online publication date: 17-Jun-2023

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  1. Optimal On-Line Computation of Stack Distances for MIN and OPT



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    CF'17: Proceedings of the Computing Frontiers Conference
    May 2017
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    Published: 15 May 2017


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    Author Tags

    1. MIN
    2. Memory hierarchy
    3. OPT
    4. balanced trees
    5. element distinctness
    6. lower bounds
    7. on-line algorithms
    8. replacement policy
    9. stack distance


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    CF '17
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    • (2023)Increment - and - Freeze: Every Cache, Everywhere, All of the TimeProceedings of the 35th ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures10.1145/3558481.3591085(129-139)Online publication date: 17-Jun-2023

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