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View all- Bleifuß TBornemann LJohnson TKalashnikov DNaumann FSrivastava D(2018)Exploring changeProceedings of the VLDB Endowment10.14778/3282495.328249612:2(85-98)Online publication date: 1-Oct-2018
Visual metaphors have assisted human understanding since early days of mankind; the modern scientific and social-scientific evolution especially benefits greatly from the visual medium. With increasing size and complexity of contemporary data, ...
Visualization exploration is the process of extracting insight from data via interaction with visual depictions of that data. Visualization exploration is more than presentation; the interaction with both the data and its depiction is as important as ...
Traditional multi-dimensional visualization techniques, such as glyphs, parallel coordinates and scatterplot matrices, suffer from clutter at the display level and difficult user navigation among dimensions when visualizing high dimensional datasets. In ...
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