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Using SYCL as an Implementation Framework for HPX.Compute

Published: 16 May 2017 Publication History


The recent advancements in High Performance Computing and ongoing research to reach Exascale has been heavily supported by introducing dedicated massively parallel accelerators. Programmers wishing to maximize utilization of current supercomputers are required to develop software which not only involves scaling across multiple nodes but are capable of offloading data-parallel computation to dedicated hardware such as graphic processors. Introduction of new types of hardware has been followed by developing new languages, extensions, compilers and libraries. Unfortunately, none of those solutions seem to be fully portable and independent from specific vendor and type of hardware.
HPX.Compute, a programming model developed on top of HPX, a C++ standards library for concurrency and parallelism, uses existing and proposed C++ language and library capabilities to support various types of parallelism. It aims to provide a generic interface allowing for writing code which is portable between hardware architectures.
We have implemented a new backend for HPX.Compute based on SYCL, a Khronos standard for single-source programming of OpenCL devices in C++. We present how this runtime may be used to target OpenCL devices through our C++ API. We have evaluated performance of new implementation on graphic processors with STREAM benchmark and compare results with existing CUDA-based implementation.


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IWOCL '17: Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on OpenCL
May 2017
135 pages
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  • The University of Bristol: The University of Bristol


Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 16 May 2017


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Author Tags

  1. C++
  2. GPGPU
  3. HPX
  4. SYCL
  5. heterogeneous programming
  6. parallel programming


  • Research-article
  • Research
  • Refereed limited


IWOCL 2017
IWOCL 2017: 5th International Workshop on OpenCL
May 16 - 18, 2017
Toronto, Canada

Acceptance Rates

IWOCL '17 Paper Acceptance Rate 15 of 29 submissions, 52%;
Overall Acceptance Rate 84 of 152 submissions, 55%


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