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Stream-Dataflow Acceleration

Published: 24 June 2017 Publication History


Demand for low-power data processing hardware continues to rise inexorably. Existing programmable and "general purpose" solutions (eg. SIMD, GPGPUs) are insufficient, as evidenced by the order-of-magnitude improvements and industry adoption of application and domain-specific accelerators in important areas like machine learning, computer vision and big data. The stark tradeoffs between efficiency and generality at these two extremes poses a difficult question: how could domain-specific hardware efficiency be achieved without domain-specific hardware solutions?
In this work, we rely on the insight that "acceleratable" algorithms have broad common properties: high computational intensity with long phases, simple control patterns and dependences, and simple streaming memory access and reuse patterns. We define a general architecture (a hardware-software interface) which can more efficiently expresses program with these properties called stream-dataflow. The dataflow component of this architecture enables high concurrency, and the stream component enables communication and coordination at very-low power and area overhead. This paper explores the hardware and software implications, describes its detailed microarchitecture, and evaluates an implementation. Compared to a state-of-the-art domain specific accelerator (DianNao), and fixed-function accelerators for MachSuite, Softbrain can match their performance with only 2x power overhead on average.


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ISCA '17: Proceedings of the 44th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture
June 2017
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Published: 24 June 2017


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  1. Accelerator
  2. Architecture
  3. CGRA
  4. Dataflow
  5. Domain-Specific
  6. Programmable
  7. Reconfigurable
  8. Streaming


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