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BigRoad: Scaling Road Data Acquisition for Dependable Self-Driving

Published: 16 June 2017 Publication History


Advanced driver assistance systems and, in particular automated driving offers an unprecedented opportunity to transform the safety, efficiency, and comfort of road travel. Developing such safety technologies requires an understanding of not just common highway and city traffic situations but also a plethora of widely different unusual events (e.g., object on the road way and pedestrian crossing highway, etc.). While each such event may be rare, in aggregate they represent a significant risk that technology must address to develop truly dependable automated driving and traffic safety technologies. By developing technology to scale road data acquisition to a large number of vehicles, this paper introduces a low-cost yet reliable solution, BigRoad, that can derive internal driver inputs (i.e., steering wheel angles, driving speed and acceleration) and external perceptions of road environments (i.e., road conditions and front-view video) using a smartphone and an IMU mounted in a vehicle. We evaluate the accuracy of collected internal and external data using over 140 real-driving trips collected in a 3-month time period. Results show that BigRoad can accurately estimate the steering wheel angle with 0.69 degree median error, and derive the vehicle speed with 0.65 km/h deviation. The system is also able to determine binary road conditions with 95% accuracy by capturing a small number of brakes. We further validate the usability of BigRoad by pushing the collected video feed and steering wheel angle to a deep neural network steering wheel angle predictor, showing the potential of massive data acquisition for training self-driving system using BigRoad.


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MobiSys '17: Proceedings of the 15th Annual International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services
June 2017
520 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 16 June 2017


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  1. IMU
  2. road data acquisition
  3. self-driving
  4. smartphone


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