Cited By
View all- Chandrashekhara SKi TDantu KKo S(2018)System-EProceedings of the 16th Annual International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services10.1145/3210240.3211111(539-539)Online publication date: 10-Jun-2018
We present a novel technique to achieve a dynamic, context-driven, multiple-profile manager for individual apps on stock Android. Our system allows users to use a single app with any number of accounts, allows incognito modes for every app, and allows a ...
In this paper, we design a pluggable data management solution for modern mobile platforms (e.g., Android). Our goal is to allow data management mechanisms and policies to be implemented independently of core app logic. Our design allows a user to ...
In this work, we propose a flexible data management solution for modern mobile platforms like Android. To increase flexibility, our system uses a pluggable solution which lets the data management mechanisms and policies to be developed independently of ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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