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Urban Knitters on Interweaving Craft, Technologies and Urban Participation

Published: 26 June 2017 Publication History


Technologies are increasingly reaching areas of everyday life that were previously separated from the digital world, including traditional crafts. HCI work has explored hybrid craft as activities that manipulate smart materials for interactive physical outcomes. This however, excludes the ways in which traditional crafts become hybrid through other related uses of digital technologies. This paper discusses how urban knitting, a collaborative textile craft augmenting public space, incorporates various online practices to facilitate urban participation. We conducted a survey with 40 urban knitters to identify the roles technologies play in their practices. The results illustrate how the participants use digital tools for personal inspiration, global collaboration, individual self-expression and collective meaning-making around their craft. Through discussing how technologies can re-contextualise creative craft practices, we contribute insights into how a wider understanding of hybrid craft is needed to embrace new design opportunities within this hybrid realm of urban citizenship.


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    cover image ACM Other conferences
    C&T '17: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Communities and Technologies
    June 2017
    345 pages
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    • CNRS: Centre National De La Rechercue Scientifique


    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 26 June 2017


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    Author Tags

    1. Crafts
    2. guerrilla knitting
    3. hybrid craft
    4. social media
    5. technology integration
    6. urban knitting
    7. urban participation
    8. yarnbombing


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    C&T '17
    C&T '17: Communities and Technologies 2017
    June 26 - 30, 2017
    Troyes, France

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