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Quality and Cost of Deterministic Network Calculus: Design and Evaluation of an Accurate and Fast Analysis

Published: 13 June 2017 Publication History


Networks are integral parts of modern safety-critical systems and certification demands the provision of guarantees for data transmissions. Deterministic Network Calculus (DNC) can compute a worst-case bound on a data flow's end-to-end delay. Accuracy of DNC results has been improved steadily, resulting in two DNC branches: the classical algebraic analysis and the more recent optimization-based analysis. The optimization-based branch provides a theoretical solution for tight bounds. Its computational cost grows, however, (possibly super-)exponentially with the network size. Consequently, a heuristic optimization formulation trading accuracy against computational costs was proposed. In this article, we challenge optimization-based DNC with a new algebraic DNC algorithm. We show that:
no current optimization formulation scales well with the network size and
algebraic DNC can be considerably improved in both aspects, accuracy and computational cost.
To that end, we contribute a novel DNC algorithm that transfers the optimization's search for best attainable delay bounds to algebraic DNC. It achieves a high degree of accuracy and our novel efficiency improvements reduce the cost of the analysis dramatically. In extensive numerical experiments, we observe that our delay bounds deviate from the optimization-based ones by only 1.142% on average while computation times simultaneously decrease by several orders of magnitude.


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Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems  Volume 1, Issue 1
June 2017
712 pages
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Published: 13 June 2017
Published in POMACS Volume 1, Issue 1


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  1. delay bounds
  2. deterministic network calculus
  3. worst-case analysis


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  • Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung


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