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AROMA: A Recursive Deep Learning Model for Opinion Mining in Arabic as a Low Resource Language

Published: 13 July 2017 Publication History


While research on English opinion mining has already achieved significant progress and success, work on Arabic opinion mining is still lagging. This is mainly due to the relative recency of research efforts in developing natural language processing (NLP) methods for Arabic, handling its morphological complexity, and the lack of large-scale opinion resources for Arabic. To close this gap, we examine the class of models used for English and that do not require extensive use of NLP or opinion resources. In particular, we consider the Recursive Auto Encoder (RAE). However, RAE models are not as successful in Arabic as they are in English, due to their limitations in handling the morphological complexity of Arabic, providing a more complete and comprehensive input features for the auto encoder, and performing semantic composition following the natural way constituents are combined to express the overall meaning. In this article, we propose A Recursive Deep Learning Model for Opinion Mining in Arabic (AROMA) that addresses these limitations. AROMA was evaluated on three Arabic corpora representing different genres and writing styles. Results show that AROMA achieved significant performance improvements compared to the baseline RAE. It also outperformed several well-known approaches in the literature.


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  1. AROMA: A Recursive Deep Learning Model for Opinion Mining in Arabic as a Low Resource Language



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    cover image ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing
    ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing  Volume 16, Issue 4
    December 2017
    146 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

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    Publication History

    Published: 13 July 2017
    Accepted: 01 April 2017
    Revised: 01 February 2017
    Received: 01 May 2016
    Published in TALLIP Volume 16, Issue 4


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    1. Deep Learning
    2. Opinion mining in Arabic
    3. Recursive Auto Encoder
    4. Recursive Neural Networks


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