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Concurrent Data Structures for Near-Memory Computing

Published: 24 July 2017 Publication History


The performance gap between memory and CPU has grown exponentially. To bridge this gap, hardware architects have proposed near-memory computing (also called processing-in-memory, or PIM), where a lightweight processor (called a PIM core) is located close to memory. Due to its proximity to memory, a memory access from a PIM core is much faster than that from a CPU core. New advances in 3D integration and die-stacked memory make PIM viable in the near future. Prior work has shown significant performance improvements by using PIM for embarrassingly parallel and data-intensive applications, as well as for pointer-chasing traversals in sequential data structures. However, current server machines have hundreds of cores, and algorithms for concurrent data structures exploit these cores to achieve high throughput and scalability, with significant benefits over sequential data structures. Thus, it is important to examine how PIM performs with respect to modern concurrent data structures and understand how concurrent data structures can be developed to take advantage of PIM.
This paper is the first to examine the design of concurrent data structures for PIM. We show two main results: (1) naive PIM data structures cannot outperform state-of-the-art concurrent data structures, such as pointer-chasing data structures and FIFO queues, (2) novel designs for PIM data structures, using techniques such as combining, partitioning and pipelining, can outperform traditional concurrent data structures, with a significantly simpler design.


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