Cited By
View all- Saputra RKaplan CAsente PBatty CReilly D(2018)RepulsionPak: Deformation-Driven Element Packing with Repulsion ForcesProceedings of the 44th Graphics Interface Conference10.20380/GI2018.03(10-17)Online publication date: 1-Jun-2018
In this paper we argue for the concept of brushes and pigments enhanced with behavioural intelligence as a complement to established 2D computer animation techniques. Our approach allows the user to enrich and animate interactively created images by ...
We present a system for drawing pastel media in real-time as an effective alternative to most existing digital solutions that basically allow for drawing arbitrary strokes in a particular style. Our approach is focused on the simulation of the natural ...
Most present-day interactive paint applications lack the means of adequately capturing a user’s gestures and translating them into realistic and predictable strokes, despite the importance of such a mechanism. We present a novel brush design that adopts ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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